Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Conseils en gestion - Management consulting

Well being as a mean for sustainable wealth

As we know, more than 29,000 small to medium-sized companies successes are vital to Canada's economic prosperity, we firmly believe in the importance of rethinking what it takes to maintain such success. Due to the fact that any company is facing a number of challenges in a widely opened market coupled with a world daily changing motion, there is one element which remains at the core of a company's existence: the human being. A grand evidence which comes with a very complex critical mission that requires all sorts of values and possible ethics combinations. 

So far, we have been overwhelmed with loads of information produced by the Dot Com bubble burst causing the 2000 Stock Market crash with $5 trillion losses in the market value of companies from March 2000 to October 2002. Considering this huge loss of financial capital as being the fruit of human hard work, it seems that we were unable to optimise such usage of information to help confirm Work once and for all, as a unique concept in the fabric of a human life experience.  

Looking back at the stock market crash of 1929, there were overvalued stocks, low margin requirements, interest rate hikes and poor banking structures. The 1987 stock market crash was due to a lack of liquidity and overvalued stocks, while the 2000 crash causes were mainly related to corporate corruption and overvalued Hi-tech stocks. Finally the 2008 crash was linked with corporate corruption and overvalued stocks, as always, even if it was not announced yet. Besides, mortgage crisis where homeowners owed lenders more than the home was worth.

The key lesson we are supposed to draw from all these unfortunate setbacks which did contribute in the suffering of human beings, is our capacity to learn how to create sustainable wealth with human intelligence for the sake of human well-being. Here we talk about the philosophical broader use of well-being which amounts to the notion of how well a person's life is going for that person. As such, the ultimate goal of any company which has a clear desire to contribute in sustainable development is securing its survival to create an environment that provides frequently a feeling of contentment for every single person.

If we firmly believe in innovation as a crucial driving force towards companies' progress and prosperity, we need to develop motivational dynamics which liberate human resources from any kind of unwanted worries in order to stimulate creative mind sharing and human caring. Such environments are the best places for enabling balanced life which will result into more balanced companies and ecomomies. 

Finally, I would like to see more and more transformational leaders who will have the capacity of doing what Nietzsche said: «I slept and dreamt that life was a pleasure; I woke up and found it as a duty: I did work and I realized the duty as being a pleasure »

By I B El-Khoury, Wise & Expert International 2012 © ®

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